Air Transport Companies
Many smaller flying services offer drop-offs and pick-ups at remote sites. Inflatable kayaks and rafts can often be accommodated-canoes, kayaks, and bikes occasionally.
Information is the best available at the time of publication. A listing here implies no specific guarantees or recommendations.
907 is the area code for all numbers unless otherwise listed.
An asterisk (*) after a company name indicates membership in the Alaska Wilderness Recreation and Tourism Association.
Alaska Airlines
(800) 426-0333, (800) 468-2248 (tour packages), www.alaskaairlines.com. The top carrier in Alaska, and to Alaska from western North America. Seattle is a year-round gateway. Direct summer flights are available from San Francisco, Los Angeles, and Phoenix. Anchorage is a hub for several routes. Alaska Airlines has commuter partners including Reeve, PenAir, and ERA.
Bering Air Inc.
Scheduled service to 32 northwestern towns from Nome, 443-5464 and (800) 478-5422 (AK only), or Kotzebue, 443-5464, info@beringair.com, www.beringair.com.
Continental Airlines
(800) 525-0280, www.continental.com. Scheduled service to Anchorage via Seattle.
Delta Airlines
(800) 221-1212, www.delta.com. Scheduled service to Anchorage.
ERA Aviation *
(800) 866-8394, www.era-aviation.com. Scheduled Flights from Anchorage to Cordova, Homer, Iliamna, Kenai, Kodiak, Valdez, Seward, Whitehorse, and between Kenai and Homer.
ERA Helicopter Flightseeing
(800) 843-1947, based in Anchorage 266-8351, Juneau 586-2030, Talkeetna & Denali 683-2574, and Valdez 835-2595, www.era-aviation.com. Guided heli-hiking out of Denali.
Frontier Flying Service, Inc. *
Based in Fairbanks, 474-0014, www.frontierflying.com. Scheduled service to Anchorage and towns throughout the Yukon valley, Brooks Range, and Far North. Charters, tours, flightseeing.
LAB Flying Service
(800) 426-0543, 766-2222, www.labflying.com. Scheduled service to Kake, Juneau, Skagway, Haines, Sitka, Hoonah, Petersburg, and Gustavus, most based out of Juneau or Haines. Flightseeing, charters, rafting and kayaking support.
Northwest Airlines
(800) 225-2525, www.nwa.com. The top carrier to Alaska from midwestern and eastern U.S. Scheduled service to Anchorage with non-stops from Minneapolis and Detroit. Non-stop service to Fairbanks from Minneapolis.
PenAir (Peninsula Airways)
(800) 448-4226, 243-2485, www.penair.com. Scheduled service from Anchorage to McGrath, Unalakleet, St. Mary's, Aniak, Dillingham, King Salmon, Sand Point, Dutch Harbor, St. Paul and St. George. Regional routes served from the hubs of Dillingham, King Salmon, Bethel, Kodiak, Cold Bay and Dutch Harbor.
Taquan Air *
(800) 770-8800, (888) 474-0088 (Sitka), www.taquanair.com. Scheduled service from Ketchikan to Prince of Wales Island, Hyder, Prince Rupert, Metlakatla. Scheduled service from Sitka to Angoon, Hoonah, Kake, Tenakee and regional towns. Charters, flightseeing, rafting support, drop-offs.
United Airlines
(800) 241-6522, www.ual.com. Scheduled service to Anchorage with non-stop from San Francisco.
Warbelow's Air Ventures, Inc.
474-0518, www.warbelows.com. Scheduled flights from Fairbanks to Eagle, Circle, Fort Yukon, Bettles, Galena, and throughout the Interior.
Misty Fiords Air and Outfit / Ketchikan
225-5155, www.mistyfjordsair.com. Charters, guiding, and outfitting in the Southeast.
Nordic Air Inc. /Petersburg
772-3535. Air taxi, custom flightseeing, LeConte Bay, Petersburg region.
Promech Air / Ketchikan
225-3845, www.promechair.com. Scheduled flights to Prince of Wales Island communities and Metlakatla. Misty Fiords flightseeing, charters.
Sunrise Aviation Inc. / Wrangell
(800) 874-2311, 874-2319, www.sunriseflights.com. Charters, float trip support and packages, flightseeing, Anan Bear Observatory, Stikine River, Shakes Glacier, Shakes Hot Springs, drop-offs.
Alaska Mountain Flying & Travel / Haines
(800) 954-8747, 766-3007, www.flyglacierbay.com. Glacier Bay and Wrangell-St. Elias flightseeing, glacier landings.
Coastal Helicopters Inc. / Juneau
789-5600, www.coastalhelicopters.com. Flightseeing, glacier landings, drop-offs, and short charters.
Fjord Flying Service
fjordflyingservice@yahoo.com, www.fjordflyingservice.com. Single pilot owner and operator Chuck Schroth, provides flights in Southeast Alaska with his Cessna 206 with flightseeing over Glacier Bay and Juneau Ice Field popular choices.
Temsco Helicopters / Skagway, Juneau
789-9501 (Juneau), 983-2900 (Skagway), www.temscoair.com. Flightseeing, glacier landings, heli-hiking, drop-offs, custom tours.
Wings of Alaska / Juneau
789-0790, www.wingsofalaska.com. Scheduled flights to Angoon, Cube Cove, Gustavus, Haines, Hoonah, Skagway, Tenakee. Juneau Icefield flights, Taku Lodge packages, flightseeing, charters.
Copper Delta Aero / Cordova
424-7274. Flightseeing, glaciers, Copper River Delta.
Cordova Air Service / Cordova
424-3289. Charters in Prince William Sound region.
Ellis Air Taxi / Gulkana
(800) 478-3368 (AK only), 822-3368, www.ellisair.com. Service to Anchorage, Gulkana, and McCarthy. Charters, Wrangell-St. Elias flightseeing.
Fishing and Flying / Cordova
424-3324. Fixed wing and helicopter. Fishing, outfitting and flightseeing trips, drop-offs, helicopter charters. Prince William Sound and North Gulf Coast.
Ketchum Air Service, Inc. / Valdez, Cordova, Anchorage
(800) 433-9114, 243-5525, www.ketchumair.com. Columbia Glacier, flightseeing, air tours, regional charters, drop-offs, float trips.
McCarthy Air / McCarthy
(888) 989-9891, 554-4440, www.mccarthyair.com. Wrangell-St. Elias drop-offs and flightseeing.
Wrangell Mountain Air * / McCarthy, Glenallen
(800) 478-1160, 554-4411, www.wrangellmountainair.com. Wrangell-St. Elias flightseeing, drop-offs. Regular service to Chitina and McCarthy. Charters to Anchorage, Glenallen, Valdez.
Alpine Air, Inc. */ Girdwood
783-2360, www.alaska.net/~alpinair. Flightseeing, glacier landing, drop-offs, charters.
Alyeska Air Service / Girdwood
783-2163. Flightseeing, Prince William Sound, Denali, charters.
Bear Air / Wasilla
373-3373. Flightseeing, Denali, Talkeetnas, charters.
Bush Airventures / Anchorage
279-9600. Flightseeing, Denali, drop-offs, extended charters.
Ellison Air / Anchorage
243-1959, www.ellisonair.com. Float plane air tours, glacier tours, fly-out dining, Katmai bear viewing, Denali, Anchorage basin.
Ketchum Air Service, Inc. / Valdez, Cordova, Anchorage
(800) 433-9114, 243-5525, www.ketchumair.com. Columbia Glacier, flightseeing, charters, drop-offs, float trips.
Rust's Flying Service / Anchorage
(800) 544-2299, 243-1595, www.flyrusts.com. Float plane, bear viewing, flightseeing, fly-in fishing, float trips.
Sound Aviation / Anchorage
229-7173. Fixed wing, floatplane. Southcentral flightseeing charters.
Vern Humble Alaska Air Adventure / Anchorage
349-4976. Statewide air taxi service, associated with Rainy Pass Lodge.
Willow Air Service / Willow
(800) 478-6370, 495-6370, willowair@matnet.com. Float planes, drop-offs, rafting and kayak support, flightseeing, Denali, Knik Glacier.
Bald Mountain Air Service * / Homer
(800) 478-7969, 235-7969, www.baldmountainair.com. Katmai bear viewing, flightseeing.
C Air / King Salmon
246-6318. Alaska Peninsula charters. Brooks Camp shuttle flights. Katmai.
Egli Air Haul / King Salmon
246-3554. Alaska Peninsula charters. Brooks Camp shuttle flights. Katmai.
High Adventure Air / Soldotna
262-5237, www.alaska.net/~haac/inform.htm. Charters, bear watching, raft support, flightseeing, remote packages.
Hughes Air / Homer
(888) 299-1014, www.hughesair.com. Floatplane. Homer-based charters, shuttles to Brooks Camp, Katmai, bear-viewing, fishing and flightseeing packages. Lower Cook Inlet region.
Kachemak Bay Flying Service / Homer
235-8924, www.alaskaseaplanes.com. Float and wheeled planes, Kachemak Bay flightseeing, charters, drop-offs.
Katmai Air Service / King Salmon
246-3079. Alaska Peninsula charters. Brooks Camp shuttle flights. Katmai.
Kenai Air Alaska, Inc. / Kenai
(800) 284-7561 (in AK), 283-7561. Flightseeing, tours, and charters.
Kenai Aviation / Kenai
283-4124. Fixed wing. Charters, flightseeing over Redoubt Volcano, Harding Icefield, and more.
Maritime Helicopters / Homer
235-7771, www.maritimehelicopters.com. Glacier tours, heli-hiking, heli-fishing.
Scenic Mountain Air, Inc. / Moose Pass, Seward
(800) 478-1449, 288-3646. Wheel and float planes. Flightseeing, charters, Kenai Fjords, Harding Icefield, fly-in hikes, fishing, drop-offs.
Branch River Air Service / King Salmon
246-3437. Air taxi, flightseeing, float trips, to Bristol Bay, Alaska Peninsula, Katmai, Kodiak, Togiak.
Iliamna Air Taxi / Iliamna
571-1248. Scheduled mail/passenger flights to regional villages. Charters to Lake Clark, Bristol Bay, lake Iliamna region.
Maritime Helicopters / Kodiak
486-4400, www.maritimehelicopters.com. Glacier tours, heli-hiking, heli-fishing.
Island Air Service / Kodiak
486-6196, http://home.gci.net/~getonnet/islandair. Wheeled planes. Scheduled flights to all 6 Kodiak Island villages, charters.
Sea Hawk Air Inc. / Kodiak
(800) 770-4295, 486-8282. Float plane. Bear viewing, flightseeing, rentals, tours, drop-offs, charters.
Tikchik Airventures / Dillingham*
842-5841. Charters in Southwest Alaska for kayakers, rafters, canoeists, hikers and fishers to Wood Tikchik SP, Togiak NWR, Nushagak and Mulchatna rivers.
Uyak Air Service / Kodiak
(800) 303-3407, 486-3407, www.ak-biz.com/uyakairservice. Great guaranteed bear viewing, Kodiak and Katmai, flightseeing, drop-offs, charters, kayak and rafting support, fishing.
Denali Air / Denali (Parks Highway, 8 miles south of park entrance)
683-2261. Denali flightseeing.
Denali Wings / Healy
683-2245. Denali flightseeing, charters to Anchorage or Fairbanks.
Doug Geeting Aviation / Talkeetna
(800) 770-2366, 733-1000, www.alaskaairtours.com. Climbing support, glacier landings, Denali flightseeing.
Hudson Air Service & Sons, Inc. / Talkeetna
(800) 478-2321, 733-2321, www.hudsonair.com. Denali, climbing support, glacier landings, charters, drop-offs.
K2 Aviation / Talkeetna
(800) 764-2291, 733-2291, www.flyk2.com. Denali flightseeing, tours, drop-offs, expedition support, glacier landings, Ruth Glacier, mountain house drop-offs.
Kantishna Air Taxi / Kantishna
683-1223, www.katair.com. Kantishna shuttles, statewide charters. Kantishna-based Denali flightseeing, fly-in hiking. Day excursions to Arctic Circle, Manley Hot Springs, etc.
McKinley Air Service / Talkeetna
(800) 564-1765, 733-1765, www.mckinleyairservice.com. Flightseeing, climbing support, Denali area charters, glacier landings.
Talkeetna Air Taxi * / Talkeetna
(800) 553-2219, 733-2218, www.talkeetnaair.com. Denali flightseeing, glacier landings, mountaineering courses, rafting and kayak support.
40-mile Air / Tok, Fairbanks
883-5191, fortymi@ptialaska.net, www.outdoorsdirectory.com/akpages/40mileair. Wheeled and float planes. Scheduled flights between Tok, Delta Junction, and Fairbanks. Service to Healy, surrounding villages, charters, flightseeing, long-distance charters.
Alaska Flyers / Kaktovik, Prudhoe Bay
659-2544. North Slope, Arctic NWR, Brooks Range, Kaktovik.
Bettles Lodge and Bettles Air / Bettles
692-5111, bttlodge@alaska.net, www.alaskan.com/bettleslodge. Float and wheeled planes. Lodging. Charter service into wilderness areas plus scheduled flights from Fairbanks to Bettles.
Brooks Range Aviation / Bettles
(800) 692-5443, 692-5444, www.brooksrange.com. Float and wheeled planes. Brooks Range and Interior float support, flightseeing.
Cape Smythe Airlines / Nome, Barrow
443-2414 (Nome), 442-3020 (Barrow), www.capesmythe.com. Scheduled and charter service to Far North communities from Nome, Kotzebue, Barrow, Deadhorse, and Koyuk. Flightseeing, drop-offs, expedition support.
Larry's Flying Service / Fairbanks
474-9169, www.larrysflying.com. Regular flights to Fort Yukon, Anaktuvuk Pass and lower Yukon Valley. Arctic Circle tours, Denali flightseeing.
Midnight Sun Aviation / Fairbanks
452-7039. Flightseeing, tours, charters, bush flights.
Northwestern Aviation * / Kotzebue
442-3525, www.alaskaonyourown.com. Wheeled, float, and ski operation. Flightseeing, river trips, drop-offs, charters in northwest Alaska.