a l a s k a j o u r n e y . c o m |
Kodiak & the Alaska Peninsula |
Location/Climate: 18 miles from King Cove, 634 miles southwest of Anchorage, on Cold Bay of the Alaska Peninsula. 36"/yr. precip., 61"/yr. snowfall, 25°F60°F. Population: 220 (5.4 percent native). Travel Attractions: Ferry link, air-transit hub, access to Izembek National Wildlife Refuge, birding, fishing. Getting There: Scheduled air service from various points; scheduled ferry service from Homer and Kodiak. Information: City Office, 532-2401. Archaeological findings dating to the last ice age indicate that the site of Cold Bay was once a large Aleut settlement. Wildlife harvesters used the bay throughout the nineteenth century, though they did not settle here. The town was effectively established in World War II with the construction of Fort Randall, a strategic air base. Most military structures have been removed, though the scars to land and tundra will be visible for decades. The 10,000-foot runway remains, however, and the town has an important role in air transport. Fishing-fleet support and air services are the biggest employers. Cold Bay is the best gateway to the Izembek National Wildlife Refugeparticularly the Izembek Lagoon Unit, which hosts millions of migratory birds. The old military road system and the sheltered waters of Where to Stay and Eat in Cold Bay Pavlov Services, 532-2437. Hotel and restaurant. |