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Kodiak & the Alaska Peninsula
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Kodiak & the Alaska Peninsula



Kodiak National Wildlife Refuge

Afognak, Raspberry & Shuyak Islands

Katmai National Park & Preserve

McNeil River State Game Sanctuary

Becharof National Wildlife Refuge

Aniakchak National Monument & Preserve


Alaska Peninsula National Wildlife Refuge

Sand Point

King Cove

Cold Bay

Izembek National Wildlife Refuge

Afognak, Raspberry, and Shuyak Islands

These northern neighbors of Kodiak have no towns or regular transport access. They have more forest cover than their largely barren neighbor—though much of Afognak’s has been logged by the native corporation that owns the land. Herds of Roosevelt elk roam on Afognak and Raspberry Islands, a non-native wild species.

The ragged, bay-riddled coastlines of the islands offer wonderful challenges for sea kayakers. The western coasts offer high cliffs and exposed headlands, while in the north, a portion of Kodiak National Wildlife Refuge and Shuyak Island State Park, www.dnr.state.ak.us/parks/units/kodiak/shuyak.htm, protect an intricate network of small islands and reefs. Four public-use cabins are available in the state park. At the eastern tip of Afognak Island, Afognak Island State Park, www.dnr.state.ak.us/parks/units/kodiak/afognak.htm, offers primitive hiking, coastal access, and one public-use cabin. For information on either state park, contact Alaska State Parks, SR Box 3800, Kodiak, AK 99615, 486-6339. See the appendix for outfitters and flying services.